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1. What was it like growing up for you, and what did you like to do?

I grew up moving around every 3 years because of my father's job, lived in 6 different countries and I believe my ability to quickly adjust and take up new challenges in life grew from there.  I saw technology interaction being different everywhere and developing at a different pace. It gave me the motive to analyze and I would always love to use my dad's old school big video camera and shoot everything around me. Besides that, I always loved sports and outdoor activities.

2. How do you feel your childhood and personality helped you get into media, and want to become creative?

I have always been a very outgoing person, and due to moving around a lot, I easily adapted to new places and people. I was in India when I got my first camera in high school, and when we traveled around the country, I captured every single thing I could. When I came back home, I took out my laptop and edited every single picture. Then I created notes under the pictures and sent them to my family members. They loved it. Being brought up in an Indian family, you only see yourself becoming an engineer, a doctor, or being in a government job. I decided early on that I’ll go into media and work in this ever-evolving industry of tech. I told my dad, and he said if you’ll put your hundred percent in it go for it. To date, my relatives ask me what I’m doing, and they can’t relate lol.

3. How did your journey to media and this world begin?

I decided to pursue Media Communications in college, and I applied for Humber college and got a visa to Canada. During my course, I wasn’t sure if this is the work I wanted to do in tech, by the end of my course I read about UX/UI, and it intrigued me a lot. Media comm was a very broad field to study in college, I learned a bit of everything but wasn’t convinced that it was something I wanted to do. My student visa expired when I graduated from Humber then I extended it and applied for a UX/UI Bootcamp. I loved how challenging it was, and I was seeing myself learning a lot every single day. Since then I did some personal projects, freelance projects, and now I’m applying to jobs where I can use my experience and learn from creative people around me.

4.  Why did you choose this type of work?

I saw the scope of this industry long term, with everything going digital it was the right time to come into this space. I see myself working remotely and working for myself as a freelancer eventually. It's something I can work on, not thinking I’m stuck at work. My work is to provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. From branding to design to usability and its function, I look into everything to provide a good user experience.

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