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8.  What is creativity to you?

Creativity for me is expressing my ideas through design, videos, and pictures. I also make vlogs and videos online, therefore sometimes if I relate to ideas, I don't hesitate to showcase them through my social media channels. Even when you're not working, and you look at something and it motivates you to start creating right then, you know that you're in the right field.

9. How do you stay motivated?

I always put time away for physical activities that include the gym and rollerblading these days. Sometimes when you lose some creative ideas, these activities allow me to focus and motivate me towards my work and goals. I give myself year-end goals and have a daily schedule that I like to follow. I like to push myself to get productive every day, as that’s something that makes me feel I’m using my time wisely. 

10. What would you like to see for women in this field?

I would love women to get equal pay, equal representation, and equal opportunity in this field. The ratio of women working in design to them being directors is frankly concerning. Also as women, we should be confident to apply and reach for positions without meeting the criteria 100%. I also think the lack of confidence in women comes from being culturally induced. We are brought up a certain way and don’t hear stories of pioneer women around us. The whole narrative needs to change within households.

Stay tuned to the end of this project for a longer raw conversation featuring Harshneet and I!
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